At Blue Toque Productions we have a multi step process to ensure there are checks and balances at all levels of the production and ensure client approval before moving on. The talent of our internal staff as well as our multi talented external partners makes us very advantageous to clients. As well if we do not have the talent at our fingertips we will bring in other partners to ensure that we reach the highest level of production. We are a small company that takes the work that we do very personally. We have a production process that is outlined below that is built around client approvals and understanding. Communication is the key to any project and our goal is to work with our clients to ensure we are meeting and exceeding at all levels of the production progress.
1 Discovery
We will sit down with you to ensure that we completely understand your vision for the project. We will bring in staff from many areas of the production process to understand that vision from all perspectives. We want to understand what you want and make sure that we get it right.
2 Pre-Production
The storyboard and script is produced, based on all that we have learned during the discovery process. We will work with the client through 2 edits of the script to ensure that have it right before moving on. Upon the approval of the script and storyboard we will begin location scouting, casting and scheduling all aspects of the production process with input from the client on all items. A music bed track and a voice for the voice over track will be chosen with client approval.
3 Production
Now that everything is approved and scheduled we will begin the production. The video crew will begin shooting all the required photography; all graphic design and motion graphics will begin to be developed and the approved script will be sent out for final voice over work.
4 Post Production and Final Delivery
Once all the production elements are completed we will move to edit and mastering phases. Editing of the video footage will begin and combining all of the elements including graphics and audio components. This phase will again have two approval phases to ensure that you the client are happy on the direction of the look and editing style. Colour correction will take place after the final edit approval and will ensure that all shots match and that a unified look is create. Once completed and approved the video will be prepared for final delivery to you the client. The client will be provided with a DVD and an online file format for web-based delivery.